5027 Almaden Dr., Los Angeles, 90042
Located in one of the most desirable areas of Highland Park is this near mint 1922 California Bungalow. Minutes from Occidental College, this stunner has nearly all it’s original head-turning details intact.
Priced at $459k, it features original wood floors, a Batchelder fireplace, nearly all original built-ins (check out that gorgeous sideboard and super rare breakfast nook!), double hung and jalousie windows that lend to the home’s vintage appeal. Best of all, with burgeoning York Blvd. just 4 blocks away, your noshing, imbibing and shopping options will be pretty enviable. To see in person, contact Vanessa Yan.
5027 Almaden Dr., Los Angeles, 90042
2 bedrooms/1 bath
1068 sq. ft., 4996 sq. ft. lot
1922 California Bungalow
Occidental College, Original Wood Floors, Built-Ins