486 Frontenac Ave., Los Angeles, 90065
These are the Best Los Angeles Open Houses for Sunday 7/21/13. Knock these babies out and go enjoy the rest of your weekend.
Set in lush, dense hillside is this 1963 Mid-Century in Mt. Washington. Priced at $525k, it has sweeping canyon views, an open floor plan and beamed/vaulted ceilings throughout. Billed as a cosmetic fixer, it needs very little to make it an architectural showstopper.
In East Hollywood, there’s an inviting 1912 Craftsman retreat. Features include beautiful landscaping with flagstone paths, original wood floors, a fireplace, a backyard with a fire pit and detached studio perfect for a home office for $579k. All open houses are Sunday 2-5PM, unless noted. To schedule a private showing, contact Vanessa Yan.
486 Frontenac Ave., Los Angeles, 90065
486 Frontenac Ave., Los Angeles, 90065
2 bedrooms/1.5 baths
1043 sq. ft., 3177 sq. ft. lot
1963 Mid-Century
Open Floor Plan, Views, Lush Landscaping
1160 N. Hobart Blvd., Los Angeles, 90029
1160 N. Hobart Blvd., Los Angeles, 90029
2 bedrooms/2 baths
1138 sq. ft., 3869 sq. ft. lot
1912 Craftsman
Original Wood Floors, Fireplace, Detached Studio